The bible has much to say about our minds. For example, in 1 Corinthians we find; "...for who did know the mind of the Lord that he shall instruct Him? and we -- we have the mind of Christ."
I find my self in somewhat of a predicament here, for I am rather well acquainted with my mind, and a simple reading of this verse troubles me. For if this (my mind) is in fact the mind of Christ, then we are all in trouble - for I find a great discrepancy between many of my thoughts when set along-side of His.
But, this "having" the mind of Christ is in fact not denoting an innate and current ownership thereof, but rather an always tangible availability of it. This is much like my "having" a car outside. but if I choose to walk to the store, then I am more than free to do so (the likelihood of that though, is somewhat slim if you know me).
In all situations, every moment of every day, I now have the availability of the "mind of Christ" - now, whether I choose to use this is another story, I certainly hope that I choose to, but know full well that I often resort to my own modes of thought all too easily.
Philippians tells us; "...For, let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus..."
There is here, an allowing of this mind to come in, showing therefore, that it is not our natural state of thought - we have to LET it be in us. Now, if we hold an insipid image of "gentle Jesus meek and mild" and our heavily western images of feathered flowing hair and full of sickly niceties, then we may easily want to portray this mind. BUT, if we read further on this mind, we see it like this; "...but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant..." and "...he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross...". He was also "a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief"
How far is this from our minds much of the time?
I have been thinking and praying about what my goals are this year and how i want to grow as a person. God has been showing me and convicting me to love more. I have been tending to revert back to old behaviours lately by being irritable and getting offended easily, especially with those I'm close to. Living out of fear. Fear of rejection. Holding back. I'm reading 1st John and this book continues to show me that God commands me to love and live unselfishly. Because HE loved us first. Because perfect love drives out fear. I feel like I started really living this out more(lack of fear and loving without expecting anything in return) while we were travelling, and I'm praying this year I will really continue to grow in that area by the grace of God.
love it. one thing i've been coming across at the beginning of this year is something called "one word" and your blog made me think of it too. you s did not refer to it as one word (to focus on this year), but i felt it was leading there... not sure if your word would be grow or love.... either way :) my word this year is listen... listen to God first and foremost, listen to my heart and mind (what should i do with what God is telling me), and listen to others. but, i'm putting quite the emphasis on listening this year :)
ReplyDeletelove you. glad we're friends!